Commissions / Projects

Through the Gaawaa Miyay studio practice, Lucy explores and is guided by First Nations philosophies of placemaking and notions of holding ground / caring for country by intertwining continuing narratives of place and relationships in experiential, responsive and tactile ways. Through her work, Lucy strives to contribute to ongoing conversations with country guided by the principals and tools of Aboriginal design in every day ways (from wearable works to object and utensil + public art to interiors).

With a passion for visual communication and a background in making, Lucy’s process-led works are thoughtful and integrated; creating seasonal moments of convergence and site specific exchange with a considered sensitivity - developed and crafted through the disciplines of design.

The gallery below features a select range of projects developed over the last decade under consultation and commission with Gaawaa Miyay and a range of organisations, institutions, communities and clients.

Yaama ngindaay..

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